A European Artists Solidarity Program (ASoP Europe) 2023

Deadline: Thursday, Jun 29, 2023, 11:00am


General information

ASoP sees itself as a program that emerged from the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. It is intended to protect those artists whose creativity, existence, and often even whose lives are severely threatened by the political upheavals of our time.

ASoP wants to make a very concrete contribution to the European recovery everyone hopes for. We see Europe as a cultural area that goes beyond the political borders of the European Union and is constantly developing dynamically.

With ASoP, neutral Austria contributes to maintaining, repairing, and expanding the idea of a common House of Europe. Despite the war and its terrible consequences, artists can continue their work. Transdisciplinary and committed to dialogue and freedom of the arts, ASoP is intended to promote the all-important pan-European discourse despite the crisis.

The Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMEIA) of the Republic of Austria financially supports ASoP and aims to involve partner institutions step by step.

Principles of the program:

  • European: a program by and for Europeans. Europe is more significant than the European Union and is burning again. This program is intended for artists from regions of upheaval and crisis.
  • Supporting talents and making Europe richer: the wealth of a region is mainly due to the wealth of its abilities. With this program, we intend to help ensure that talents are not lost and to support those in need. Our actions strengthen Austria and Europe as culturally relevant places.
  • Use momentum: especially in turbulent times, it is essential to establish sustainable relationships. It is up to Austria as a state claiming to be a cultural superpower to continue exercising its bridging function between Western and Eastern Europe at this dramatic historical moment and to fill its commitment to human rights with life, primarily through initiatives such as the one proposed.

With our actions, we strengthen Austria and Europe as a cultural location.


Project description

ASoP is aimed at artists, including those still in training (students of fine art), from countries in transition east of the European Union.

The aim is to find a place, a workplace for them, be it with a specific project or a residency. The declared project goal is to bring excellent artists to equally excellent institutions in Austria. Each scholarship holder is assigned a supervisor. The scholarship holders can be offered personal and targeted mentoring through this supervision.

The grants should result in concrete projects with the hosting institutions (concerts, exhibitions, public talks, etc.). These results may be helpful for Austrian Cultural Forums to be shown within the network of the Austrian Foreign Ministry (live streaming, live or recorded artists’ talks, concerts, and virtual tours).

The grants are designed for a three-month stay or a specific artistic project of the same period.  If a potential scholarship holder is already in Austria needing support in implementing an artistic work, such a case may also be considered a task for ASoP.


Application requirements

All Academy of Fine Arts Vienna regularly enrolled students with Ukrainian, Russian, and Belarusian citizenship, and artists from Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus are eligible to apply.

A five-member Academy of Fine Arts Vienna jury nominates three potential scholarship holders. The project management of the BMEIA makes the final selection of the scholarship holder.

A scholarship totaling EUR 13,500 will be awarded to one scholarship holder for three months. This is made up as follows:

Budget item
Amount in EUR
Travel to and from 1,200
Insurance    500
Living costs 3,600 (1,200 pro Monat)
Housing allowance to cover running and cleaning costs (paid directly to the landlord) 3,000 (1,000 pro Monat)
Fee for supervisor 1,200
Realization of an artistic work 4,000


Please note that savings in a budget item may also be invested in realizing an artistic work if the project management deems this reasonable.




Application deadline: 13.06. to 29.06.2023

Required for submission:


  1. project description (file size 5MB, max. two pages)
  1. portfolio (file size 5MB, max. ten pages)
  1. curriculum vitae
  1. copy of passport


Please note that all four documents must be uploaded separately as PDF files with the following file naming:

  1. project_description_name_ASoP
  2. portfolio_name_ASoP
  3. CV_name_ASoP
  4. passport_ASoP



For further information please contact Daniela Jungmann-Masilko (d.masilko@akbild.ac.at, +43 1 588 16-1202)


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