Exhibit - exhibition projects from fall 2022
Deadline: Tuesday, Nov 30, 2021, 11:00am
As of now, the Vice Rector’s Office for Art | Teaching of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna is accepting proposals for exhibition projects to be presented in the exhibition spaces of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna – the Exhibit Galerie at Schillerplatz 3 as well as the Exhibit Eschenbachgasse at Eschenbachgasse 11/corner Getreidemarkt – starting from fall 2022 (see Appendix 1-exhibition). The call addresses persons both outside and inside the Academy.
Info sessions will be held via Zoom on 12.11., 10 am and 19.11., 3 pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88947574342?pwd=aFY0aFc0S1djUW9TQlplcHZpVDB0UT09
Content of the call - Intention
We are looking for exhibition projects for the year 2022 that deal with questions about the values of collectivity and community and their links to ecological, racism-critical and/or gender- and democracy-political topics. How are themes of coexistence, togetherness as a society and the connection to nature reflected in art and through the medium of the exhibition, how is a critical examination of the status quo sought, or how are contemporary utopias and alternative lifestyles negotiated?
Furthermore, preference will be given to projects that are concerned with thinking about the development of exhibitions in connection with university teaching. This connection can be demonstrated by the fact that 1.) the project explores exhibition making and curatorial questions as part of its concept, or 2.) the project results from a course and/or is related to a semester focus of the Academy. 3.) Optionally, provided the prerequisites are met (see Appendix 2-course), the conception of the exhibition may be theoretically accompanied by the course “Curatorial Studies” starting in the summer semester of 2022.
Knowledge of exhibition practice or curatorial experience is required, as is a connection of the submitted project to the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the artistic-scientific practice and research taking place there. It is also desired that a large proportion of the artists to be exhibited will be students and/or graduates of the Academy (see http://abschlussarbeiten.akbild.ac.at).
The basic budget is to be understood as a service package of the exhibition spaces, in which the technical and organizational support of projects is listed:
- fixed components of the exhibition production (exhibition texts, insurance, opening drinks, waste disposal, etc.)
- operation of the exhibition (supervision, etc.),
- public relations work including printed matter.
The budget provided for this purpose is earmarked for a specific purpose and cannot be reallocated.
The maximum operational budget provided by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna per exhibition is 10,000 euros (gross = net): e.g. production of new works, material, transport, displays, equipment rentals, fees, supporting program (in accordance with the budget applied for and negotiated); plus max. 1,500 euros (gross = net) for additional program in context of the exhibition.
Submission deadline: 27.10. until 30.11.2021, 11 a.m.
The following documents must be submitted in one PDF document with a maximum size of 5 MB:
- The exhibition concept describing the contents of the project and showing possible artistic contributions (max. 3 pages plus images).
- A list of at least three events during the duration of the exhibition.
- CVs of the submitting parties (max. 1 page/person).
- cost and financing plan for the operational budget: breakdown of costs (production of new works, material, transport, exhibition architecture, supporting program; external staff, if the case) against the background of the services provided by the Academy (basic budget, see above).
- A list of possible cooperation partners for grants.
Optional, to be submitted as a separate PDF:
- Concept for the course “Curatorial Studies” comprising two semester hours per week (max. 2 pages)
Appendix: Information sheets and floor plans appendix_1_exhibition.pdf [77.12 KB] appendix_2_course.pdf [78.04 KB] floor-plan_exhibit-eschenbachgasse.pdf [498.22 KB] floor-plan_exhibit-galerie_schillerplatz.pdf [1006.29 KB]
The Academy’s Exhibition Commitee will evaluate the submitted concepts and make the selection. Acceptances and rejections will be made in mid-December 2021.
For questions regarding the call, the space, or the exhibition program, please contact Stephanie Damianitsch, +43 (0)664 80887-1304, s.damianitsch@akbild.ac.at
For further information please contact Daniela Jungmann-Masilko (d.masilko@akbild.ac.at, +43 1 588 16-1202)