Going Book: Grant for Publication Costs
Deadline: Monday, Jun 30, 2025, 11:00am
The publication cost grant is intended to support the realisation of excellent publications. The prerequisite for funding is that it is a quality-assured (peer-reviewed) publication. A total of EUR 10,000 is available annually for this purpose. "Going Book" also aims to support young researchers in particular with the publication of academic books.
Amount of the grant for publication costs:
- Publishing costs for printing, copy editing and graphics can be supported with a maximum grant of EUR 2,500 per book.
Eligibility for participation:
- All employees and doctoral candidates of the Academy are eligible to participate. Young researchers in particular are encouraged to submit entries.
- In addition, former employees may also submit, provided that the publication is the result of a funded third-party project at the Academy and the employment relationship has not been terminated for more than one year.
- Former doctoral candidates of the Academy are eligible to apply if the date of the defense was no more than 2 years ago and the book is a revised version of the dissertation.
Decision-making procedure:
- The funding decision on the grant for the publication costs is made by the Rector.
- The funds are allocated on a first come, first served basis and up to 4 publications can be supported per year. There is no legal entitlement to this funding.
Requirements for submissions:
- The applicant must be the author or co-author of the submitted publication. In the case of anthologies, only editors are eligible to apply.
- The grant supports academic book publications. The book manuscript must have undergone a standard, high-quality quality assurance procedure (peer review procedure) organised by the publisher and be accepted for publication by the publisher, i.e. an Author's Accepted Manuscript (AAM) with an indication of the expected publication date must be available. The publication must not yet have been published. Catalogues, brochures and the like are not eligible for funding.
- The language of the publication should be English, publications in German are also possible.
- Only publishing costs for printing, copy editing and graphics can be subsidised. Author's fees and translation costs are excluded from funding.
Submission modalities:
- Submissions can only be made via the Academy's submission platform using the online application form.
- The academic publisher must confirm that the book manuscript has undergone a standard, high-quality quality assurance procedure (peer review) organised by the publisher and has been accepted for publication (AAM). In addition, an expected publication date must be confirmed by the publisher and a current cost estimate/offer from the publisher must be enclosed.
- An abstract and the finished manuscript (AAM) must also be uploaded.
- If funding is granted, the applicant is obligated to refer to the funding by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in the publication ("Acknowledgement").
- In addition, the applicant is obligated to send 3 specimen copies to the Academy free of charge if funding is approved.
- Submissions can be made on an ongoing basis. Decisions will be communicated promptly after submission.
Open Access:
- All applicants are encouraged to publish their book open access. Additional funding can be applied from the Academy for open access fees.
If you have any questions about the publication grant, please contact Art | Research | Support via kfs@akbild.ac.at.
For further information please contact Paul Reiter (p.reiter@akbild.ac.at, +43 1 588 16-1117)