Art in Building Competition BUWOG x Akbild

Deadline: Tuesday, Sep 3, 2024, 11:00am

submission form


BUWOG Group GmbH (hereinafter "BUWOG"), in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, announces a competition for concepts that deal with the entrance situations of future residential properties built by BUWOG in Austria and Germany. In its long-standing support of art in architecture projects, BUWOG focuses on the theme of home. The focus of this project is on the entrance of residential buildings. The inner entrance area of a residential building is focused on functionalities such as access, information, directional signage, mail, and lockability. It is usually both the first and last room to be entered. Through artistic design, a conscious entry into this space of the building should be created, evoking a sense of welcome, contemplation, or a smile. The project is mainly intended to be presented in the communal entrées of residential buildings. [EDIT PRECISELY:] The submitters are invited to work with the foyers in an open and preferably structural manner – the ceiling, floor, and walls can be integrated into the changes, as well as the outside of mailboxes, benches, or doors. All media except sound are possible. The selected concepts should be replicable.


Target Audience

The call is aimed exclusively at alumni of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, who graduated not more than five years ago (deadline is the date of announcement). Individuals, collectives, or cooperating working groups can apply. The fee is calculated per submission and not according to the number of submitting persons.



Ingeborg Erhart, Vice Rector Art | Education, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Ingrid Fitzek-Unterberger, Head of Marketing and Communications, BUWOG
Alexandra Grausam, Curator Art in Architecture, BUWOG
Michael Herbeck, Head of Project Development, BUWOG
Alfredo Barsuglia, Artist
Lisa Ortner-Kreil, Curator Kunstforum Vienna
Eva Sommeregger, Institute of Architecture, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Advisory without voting rights:
Daniel Riedl, Executive Board, CDO, Vonovia SE (Bochum)
Andreas Holler, Managing Director BUWOG Group GmbH (Vienna) and BUWOG Bauträger GmbH (Berlin)
Eva Weiss, Managing Director BUWOG Bauträger GmbH (Berlin)
Thomas Mahler, Site Manager Region East, BUWOG Bauträger GmbH (Berlin)


Procedure Selection Process

It is a two-stage competition.

Competition Stage I

In the first competition stage, up to five designs will be selected by the jury from the submitted projects, whose design sketches and artistic practice are convincing. These will then proceed to the second competition stage, in which the participants will be commissioned to develop detailed preliminary designs.

Competition Stage II

The nominated artists will be asked to prepare a more detailed draft, to be presented to the jury on November 7, 2014. It is intended that the nominated artists will present their project idea to the jury in person during the jury meeting, engaging in direct discourse with the jury members (a digital presentation is possible in exceptional cases). Any travel expenses for attending this appointment cannot be reimbursed. The jury will select three winning projects.


Prize Money

We are committed for fair working conditions and transparency in cultural institutions.

The three winning projects will each receive a prize money of EUR 5,000 (including VAT).
All other artists of competition stage II will receive an advance fee of EUR 1,500 each (including VAT).


Implementation of Selected Projects | Production Costs

The winning projects should be replicable in up to ten buildings constructed by BUWOG or its affiliated companies over the next ten years, with BUWOG being entitled to choose in which construction projects the implementation takes place. BUWOG will cover the implementation costs (material costs, professionals fees, etc.) up to a maximum amount of EUR 15,000 per project, with this amount being adjusted according to the consumer price index.

Deviation from the winning projects in the implementation is permitted, especially those that are technically and economically necessary. These deviations will be coordinated between BUWOG and the prize winners.

It is noted that the implementation of the winning projects is dependent on financial feasibility and the construction industry situation.


Submissions | Required Documents:

Submissions for both competition stages are only possible via the Academy´s submission system

Competition Stage I (Submission Deadline: September 3, 2024, 11 a.m.)

  • fully completed application form
  • professional curriculum vitae (max. 3 DIN A4 pages)
  • artistic portfolio with selected works and projects from the last five years documenting the previous artistic practice. The portfolio should not exceed the size of 8MB.
  • Films and videos as well as sound works can be provided as a link (Vimeo, YouTube; if necessary, with a password) in the registration form.
  • Project idea, visualization, and concept (max. 2 DIN A4 pages)
  • Letter of motivation
  • Diploma certificate (graduation from the Academy 6/2019 - 6/2024)


Competition Stage II (Submission Deadline: October 30, 2024, 11 a.m.)

Note: Please note that this application deadline exclusively applies to those persons whose designs were selected in competition stage I and who were subsequently invited by the jury to participate in competition stage II.

  • Concept description (max. 3 DIN A4 pages)
  • Presentation of the design by using at least two diagrams and/or a model or a film visualization (maximum duration 2 min), including all necessary elements to elucidate the competition entry (maximum file size of 8 MB)
  • optional: a visualization in a foyer situation (maximum 8 MB)

For the submission, a precise description of the project and a good documentation of the planned work are essential; a spatial visualization of the project (model or 3D graphics) in a foyer setting is desired. The conceptual design should be based on a fictitious implementation budget for materials, professionals, etc. amounting to maximum of EUR 15,000.



September 3, 2024, 11 a.m.     Submission Deadline Competition Stage I
October 17, 1-3 p.m.                 Online Information Meeting for Applicants nominated for Competition Stage II, with representatives of the sponsors for any questions
October 30, 2024, 11 a.m.         Submission Deadline for Competition Stage II
November 7, 2024, 1-5 p.m.     Presentation of submitted designs before the jury (in exceptional cases, an online presentation as a video conference will be accepted) | Selection of the three winning projects


Competition Terms and Conditions

Each participant agrees to the present conditions by participating in the call.


Copyright, Usage Rights

By participating in this competition, participants expressly declare that they own all copyright rights to the work of any kind, without restrictions, and that the work does not infringe upon any third-party rights.

Participants in Competition Stage II commit to providing visual material of their works for public relations within the context of the competition.

The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and BUWOG reserve the right to use images free of charge for public relation work within the context of the competition.

The substantive property rights to the plans, models, and other elaborations of the prize winners are transferred to BUWOG upon payment of the prize money. Furthermore, by paying the prize money, BUWOG acquires a transferable, exclusive right to use the work. This right to use the work includes the right to (i) carry out these services and works in the context of construction projects in the same or modified form with attribution, and (ii) to use images of the work, even without attribution, for the promotion of construction projects in which the works are implemented. Any other commercial use other than in connection with the construction and maintenance of the works on properties of BUWOG's or its affiliated companies, and for purposes of BUWOG or advertising purposes related to the construction projects, is not permitted.

BUWOG is entitled to transfer this right to use the work to (1) affiliated companies, on whose properties the work is to be implemented, as well as to (2) legal successors in ownership of the properties on which the works were implemented.


Please note that only submissions will be accepted that meet all the specified criteria and are received on time. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered. Any travel expenses incurred will not be covered. All applicants will be informed of the results of the selection process by email in the course of November 2024.

For further information please contact Barbara Pflanzner (, +43 1 588 16-1204)

submission form


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