Irmgard Lettner and Ernst Lemberger scholarship for supporting final degrees

Deadline: Tuesday, Mar 4, 2025, 11:00am

submission form


A cooperation between the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna with Irmgard Lettner & Ernst Lemberger.


Target group

Students of the Institute of Fine Arts (diploma studies Fine Arts, MA Critical Studies, PhD in Practice), who are in their last year of studying (preparing their final degrees) and who are socially disadvantaged will be supported. Applicants have to live and work in Vienna.


Fellowship holders get the possibility to live free of charge in a flat with atelier:

  • size: 70 m²
  • duration: 11 months from September 1st, 2025 until July, 31st, 2026
  • location: 1020 Vienna, Karmeliterplatz 3

Accommodation facilities: Living room, bedroom (double bed), bath, atelier (full furnished and equipped). For keeping pets a special permit is needed. The kitchen is furnished with an electric cooker, a fridge, the bath includes a washing machine. The house includes a terrace and a courtyard, which can be co-used by the fellowship holder. There is also the possibility to park a bicycle.

The presence of the scholarship holders in their flat/studio for a period of eleven months is a condition, as is the donation of two works* to the scholarship donors (in accordance with the donation contract). Subletting (even temporarily) of the flat and/or studio is not allowed.

* The two works can be borrowed by the scholarship holder for exhibition purposes.


Awarding conditions

The scholarship holder is selected by a jury consisting of four professors of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna as well as one external artist or curator.


Necessary for application

Please submit all documents in one single PDF-file with max. 3 MB:

  • short description of project (1-2 pages)
  • digital portfolio of the artist including CV, contact details and matriculation number
  • letter of motivation
  • narrative proof which demonstrates social disadvantage
  • a statement by the thesis advisor why the person should be supported
  • students from third country nations (non-EU members) have to demonstrate a legal permit to stay



For further information please contact Daniela Jungmann-Masilko (, +43 1 588 16-1202)

submission form


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