Learning-on-the-Job grant

Deadline: Tuesday, Jun 3, 2025, 11:00am

submission form

The Learning-on-the-Job scholarship offers dissertation supervisors the opportunity to apply for a scholarship for doctoral/Ph.D. candidates.

Funding for
  • Doctoral/Ph.D. candidates who are involved in organizational, coordinating or administrative processes within the framework of a scientific or artistic research project (conference organization, publication, etc.) at the Academy
  • NO FUNDING for projects that exclusively cover the work of the doctoral/Ph.D. candidates
  • NO FUNDING for activities to support teaching, in the narrower  and the broader sense

The scholarship holders are involved in organizational, coordinating or administrative activities as part of a project or an activity at the Academy. The scholarship is intended to enable the doctoral/Ph.D. candidates to gain practical experience and to get to know processes in connection with the organization of a conference, the publication of a book, the planning, and holding of a workshop, etc., and to acquire additional competencies in addition to the academic qualifications.

Applicants are the doctoral/Ph.D. supervisors who apply via their account for a scholarship for a doctoral/Ph.D. candidate for a planned activity/project.

  • Applicant is the doctoral/Ph.D. supervisor
  • The scholarship holder is enrolled in as regular doctoral or PhD candidate in a doctoral/Ph.D. degree program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna at least in the third semester
  • The scholarship is limited to one time during the entire duration of the doctoral studies /Ph.D. studies.
  • The application must be submitted before the start of the project. Subsequent, incomplete and not timely submitted applications cannot be considered
Application by the doctoral/Ph.D. supervisor:

Completed online application form with the following information:

  • Contact data doctoral/Ph.D. supervisor
  • Information about the scholarship holder
  • Short description of the overall project (including duration and possible cooperation partners) (about 2.500 characters incl. spaces)
  • What are the concrete tasks of the scholarship holder in the project, how high do you estimate the time required? (about 2.500 characters incl. spaces)
  • How do these tasks contribute to the qualification / further development of the scholarship holder as a junior researcher? (about 2.500 characters incl. spaces)

following documents that need to be uploaded:

  • Approved Dissertation Agreement (supervision agreement signed with Dr. techn.)
  • Current certification of enrollment
  • Curriculum vitae of the doctoral/Ph.D. candidate, including publication list and/or listing of previous artistic activities
Amount of the Funding

The funding amount per Learning-on-the-Job scholarship is usually € 750,-- in exceptional cases, depending on the duration and scope of the activity up to a maximum of € 1.500,-- can be awarded.

The grant is paid out as a scholarship. Any donations from third parties must be announced immediately. Parallel fundings are excluded.


There are two deadlines per year. Deadlines always end at 11 am on the given day.

Deadlines 2024: Tuesday 03rd June 2025 (ongoing) and Tuesday 09th December 2025

Decision-making process:

The awarding and amount of for Learning-on-the-Job scholarships is decided by the Department of Art| Research | Support of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The scholarship is awarded based on the submitted documents and according to the financial possibilities. Criteria for the award are the descritption of the project/activity and the possibility for the doctoral/PhD candidate to gain practical experience and to acquire additional competencies in addition to the academic qualifications.

The formal fulfillment of all application requirements does not imply any legal entitlement to financial support. In sum, a maximum of EUR 4.500,-- can be awarded per year.

Please note that we will inform you about the decision on a grant award about three weeks after the submission deadline.

After granting the scholarship:

The scholarship will be paid in two rates:

  • The first rate after the signed acceptance form (incl. the required documents)  is handed, the latest two weeks after the beginning of the project/activity.
  • The second rate, after submitting the report on the activity.
  • After (!) the end of the activity a project report (about 1.000 words) has to be written and sent to the Center for Doctoral Studies (doktoratszentrum@akbild.ac.at). This report must be signed by the scholarship holder and the supervisor.

This project report is the condition for the payment of the 2nd rate of the scholarship. The project report must contain the following information:

  • What was made concretely during the activities of the Learning-on-the-Job scholarship?
  • Were there deviations from the planned activities, if so which ones why?
  • What experiences and competencies could be gained or deepened by the doctoral/Ph.D candidate?

For further information please contact Teresa Beer (t.beer@akbild.ac.at, +43 1 588 16-1118)

submission form


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