Mental Health Fund 2024
Deadline: Monday, Apr 15, 2024, 11:00am
Precarious situations, coping with crises, problems or conflicts, insecurities, and fears, also with regard to shaping the future, can often lead to severe stress, which is why seeking professional help and support becomes absolutely necessary. With the Mental Health Fund, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna would like to offer financial support to students who suffer from severe psychological distress and need to seek professional care. For this purpose, the Academy provides a sum of money from the annual Academy Auction. The award of up to 400 Euro, takes the form of a refund of payments already made for (psycho-) therapy.
Application requirement
- Active regular students at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
- Ongoing receiving of (psycho-)therapeutic support, or
- The decision to begin receiving (psycho-)therapeutic support.
Application period
11 March - 15 April 2023 (11:00 a.m.)
Necessary documents
- Credibly justification of the personal and financial situation.
- Current confirmation of enrollment.
- Confirmation of registration from the Central Population Register ("Meldezettel").
In order to establish the relevant facts, the documents required for this must be submitted on request. All information will be treated confidentially, at all times.
Contact Psychological Counselling for Students
1070 Vienna, Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3, attic DG.03 (door plate reads: Beratungsstelle). Or at the respective practice
- Mag. Elisabeth Höchtl-Wallner (Psychosocial service and support offered in English)
Psychotherapist (Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis)
Consultations: Tue, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Appointment by phone only: 0664 8088-71106
- Mag. Alexander Parte (Psychosocial service and support offered in English I Assistance psychosociale en français)
Psychotherapist (Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis)
Consultations: Wed, 8:45 a.m. – 11:15 p.m.
Appointment by phone only: 0664 8088-71107
In urgent cases you can contact the University Clinic for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy:
Währinger Gürtel 18-20, 1090 Vienna
Tel: +43 (0)1 40400-30610
An application can only be made via:
To use our submission system, you have to register once (if you haven't an account already) - please register with your email address to identify yourself as a student. You can then log in with your access data, you cannot log in with the AkademieOnline password.
For further information please contact Vizerektorat Kunst | Lehre (