FWF Open Access Block Grant

Deadline: Wednesday, Dec 31, 2025, 11:00am

submission form

The call is aimed at project participants of FWF-funded projects affiliated with the research institution Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Funding is available for publication costs for free access (Golden Open Access) to quality-assured (peer-reviewed) journal articles, contributions to edited volumes, etc., that result in whole or in part from FWF-funded projects.

Since 1 January 2024, the Open Access Block Grant has replaced the FWF funding program “Peer-reviewed Publications” for all projects regardless of the approval date and is intended to support Open Access publications and to ensure compliance with the FWF's Open Access Policy.

Eligibility requirements and conditions:

  • Funding is available for the costs of quality-assured (peer-reviewed) journal articles or contributions to edited volumes, etc. under a “CC BY” license in DOAJ-listed, Gold Open Access journals (fully open access). The selected publication medium must be checked in advance using the Journal Checker Tool and must be listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
  • Costs are only covered for Article Processing Charges (APCs).
  • A prerequisite is a valid affiliation of the corresponding author with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The corresponding author is the person who is the official contact person for the publisher with regard to the submitted contribution and is identified as such in the publication itself.
  • Former project staff are also eligible to apply, provided the employment relationship has not been terminated for more than one year.

Time of application:

  • Applications for funding for Open Access publication costs can be submitted as soon as an Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) and a confirmation of publication or confirmation of acceptance from the publisher have been received.

Application documents:

  • Provide the following information in the online application form:
    • Applicant details
    • Publication details
    • Details of publication medium
    • Publication details
  • Upload the following documents in PDF format:
    • Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM)
    • Publication confirmation or confirmation of acceptance from the publisher
    • Proof of the corresponding author's current affiliation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Deadline and decision-making procedure:

  • Ongoing submission is possible. As a rule, the funding decision will be communicated within 3 weeks of the individual submission.
  • The Department of Art | Research | Support of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna decides on the awarding of funding on the basis of the funding criteria according to the FWF and in accordance with financial possibilities.
  • Formal fulfillment of all application requirements does not imply any legal entitlement to financial support.

 After funding has been awarded:

  • An acknowledgment in accordance with FWF guidelines must be included in the publication:
    “This research was funded in whole or in part by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [grant DOI]. For open access purposes, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright license to any author accepted manuscript version arising from this submission.“
    For publications in German: „Diese Forschung wurde gänzlich oder teilweise durch den Wissenschaftsfonds FWF finanziert [Grant-DOI]. Zum Zweck des freien Zugangs hat der:die Autor:in für jedwede akzeptierte Manuskriptversion, die sich aus dieser Einreichung ergibt, eine „Creative Commons Attribution CC BY“-Lizenz vergeben.“
  • The publisher's invoice for the fees (APCs) must be issued to the Academy address and can be forwarded to openaccess@akbild.ac.at for payment.
  • The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the publication must be sent to openaccess@akbild.ac.at.
  • The publication is archived in the Academy’s repository.

Further information and details on funding conditions can be found in the FAQs on the FWF website on the Open Access Block Grant.

If you have any further questions about potential Open Access funding options and respective requirements, please contact openaccess@akbild.ac.at before submitting a manuscript to a journal.

For further information please contact Sophie Schober (s.schober@akbild.ac.at, +43 1 58816-1116)

submission form


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