Project Financing

Deadline: Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 11:00am


Deadline: 14.05. to 28.05.2024, 11:00 a.m.


Necessary for submission:

Project proposal (file size: 3 MB)

  • Abstract of the project (700 characters incl. space character)
  • optional: Letter of motivation (800 characters incl. space character)
  • Description of the project (2.000 characters incl. space character)
  • if available: Project-related work samples/drafts
  • Time line
  • Financial plan, which has to contain realistic project costs; see template template_financial-plan.xlsx [12.57 KB]
  • Brief summary of the project (max. 5 sentences)
  • Name of two reference persons from the teaching staff (signature required) > Please note that the teacher's signature will only be given after a joint discussion of the submitted project.

Portfolio (file size: 10 MB with max. 20 pages)

  • Documentation of artistic work (max. five works/also applies to videos)

Current residence registration certificate (Meldebestätigung/"Meldezettel")


Please note that all three documents must be uploaded separately as PDF files with the following file name:

  1. Project proposal_Name_PJF
  2. Portfolio_Name_PJF
  3. Meldezettel_Name_PJF


The following costs are generally not funded:
  • Remuneration for applicants
  • Living costs (e.g. rent)
  • Catering
  • New acquisition of technical equipment*, which can be rented or borrowed (e.g. screens, cameras, projectors etc.)

* Non-rentable or non-borrowable equipment can be funded. If the acquisition costs exceed EUR 700,- (excl. value added tax), the device passes into the respective institute's possession after the project has been completed.


For further information please contact Daniela Jungmann-Masilko (, +43 1 588 16-1202)


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