Prize for Best Research Catalogue Exposition 2023/2024 of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Deadline: Thursday, Oct 3, 2024, 11:00am

submission form

This prize rewards outstanding contributions to the Research Catalogue (i.e. RC Expositions) by staff and students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. We are looking for published RC contributions from the years 2023 and 2024.

The aim of the prize is to promote innovative and experimental publication formats and to make artistic research widely visible internationally.

Applicants are encouraged to use open licences for their contributions wherever possible. Both individuals and teams can submit entries.

Prize amount:
  • One prize of EUR 1,000 and two prizes of EUR 500 each can be awarded.
  • The award ceremony will take place as part of the Academy's Research Day on 14 November 2024 at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Eligibility for participation:
  • All employees and students of the Academy are eligible to participate.
  • In addition, submissions of contributions by former employees or students are also possible, provided that the exposition was published in the Research Catalogue at the time of a valid employment or study enrollment and after 1 January 2023.
  • It is also possible to submit expositions by former employees that were the results of a funded third-party project at the Academy and were published in the Research Catalogue after 1 January 2023.
  • The decision on the awarding of the prizes is made by a jury that assesses the quality of the submissions. There is no legal entitlement to the awarding of prizes.
Submission modalities:
  • Submissions can only be made online via the Academy's submission platform.
  • The application form also requires a short written reflexive statement (min. 500, max. 1,500 characters) on the submitted contribution. This reflection should emphasise the innovative, experimental and unique aspects of the contribution.
  • Only one entry can be submitted per person or team. An individual can submit both an individual contribution and be part of a team contribution. Resubmissions of an entry are not possible.
  • Only expositions created in the Research Catalogue (RC) will be accepted. A corresponding link must be provided in the submission form.
  • The RC expositions must have been created between 1 January 2023 and 3 October 2024 and published in the Research Catalogue (self-published, published in a journal linked to the RC or published in the Academy's RC portal).
  • The published contribution must be connected to the RC portal of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna by the authors ("connect to" portal Academy of Fine Arts Vienna).
  • For your information: Published content can no longer be edited and is automatically assigned a DOI.

Thursday, October 3, 2024, 11:00 a.m.

Research Catalogue and RC Account:

The Research Catalogue is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research operated by the Society for Artistic Research. The Academy is a portal partner of the research catalogue and enables all Academy members to use the Research Catalogue.

For employees and students who do not yet have an account: Please create a basic account on the Research Catalogue website using your own e-mail address (usually the Academy e-mail address). Then please write an e-mail to with the subject "RC Full Account" so that we can set up a free RC Full Account for you, which can be used to create and publish RC expositions.

For employees and students who already have a Basic Account: Please send an e-mail to with the subject "RC Full Account" so that we can set up a free RC Full Account for you to create and publish RC Expositions.

For employees and students who already have an RC Full Account: Please also send an e-mail to with the subject "RC Portal Admission" so that we can link your RC Full Account to the Academy's RC Portal.

For further information please contact Paul Reiter (, +43 1 588 16-1117)

submission form


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