Travel Allowances for Ph.D. Candidates
Deadline: Wednesday, Dec 31, 2025, 11:00am
The travel allowances support regular doctoral students of the Academy in presenting dissertation/Ph.D. project results at international conferences and symposia or in the presentation of art projects. Prerequisite is an active participation in the conference, the symposium or the art presentation.
Funding Criteria:
- Travel allowances can subsidize travel costs for the presentation of new research results in international conferences, congresses or symposia if the submitted and accepted presentation is linked to the dissertation or the Ph.D. project.
- Travel allowances can subsidize travel costs for the presentation of art projects (in situ, art in architecture, film screenings, etc.) or for presentations in the context of exhibitions, which is directly linked to the dissertation or the Ph.D. project (only for Ph.D.-in-Practice candidates).
- NOT funded will be short-term stays abroad, e.g. research, archival research or production of artistic-scientific projects.
- Furthermore, events with a predominantly educational character, such as courses, summer schools, master classes, etc., which are primarily or exclusively aimed at (doctoral) students as participants are excluded.
- Regular students (“ordentliche Studierende”) of all doctoral studies and the Ph.D.-in-Practice-Program of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, that have an approved dissertation/Ph.D. agreement, supervision agreement with Dr. techn. can apply for travel allowances.
- The planned journey abroad has to be directly linked to the dissertation or the Ph.D. project.
- Applications are possible throughout the year but have to be submitted at least two weeks before the start of the journey. Incomplete and not timely delivered submissions cannot be considered for funding.
- The travel allowances can only be awarded once per academic year and only twice during the whole doctoral / Ph.D. study period.
- The starting point for the trip must be Vienna.
- Completed application form (online)
The following documents have to be uploaded as PDF documents:
- CV, including a list of publications or a list of artwork, respectively
- Current certification of enrollment ("Studienblatt")
- Approved dissertation / Ph.D. project agreement (signed supervision agreement with Dr. techn.)
- Letter of recommendation from the dissertation supervisor(s) addressing the participation in the conference and highlighting the relevance of the presentation to the dissertation project. Email formats are also accepted.
Depending on the nature of the journey:
- In the case of presentations of new research results of the dissertation/Ph.D. project at an international conference, congress or symposium:
- Abstract of the presentation
- Letter of confirmation or invitation
- In the case of presentations of art projects (in situ, art in architecture, film screenings, etc.) or for presentations in the context of the exhibition (only Practice):
- Short description or concept of the planned presentation or contribution; including an explanation of why personal attendance is necessary
- Letter of invitation to the exhibition/for the performance/for the presentation of the artwork by the event organizers, including date and place of the presentation
Amount of the funding
Up to max. 450,- € can be awarded per person and per application. In exceptional cases, e.g. for overseas flights or very high conference fees, a travel allowance of up to 600, - € per application can be granted.
The awarded travel allowances cannot be higher than the actual travel costs minus other sources of funding such as subsidies, grants, allowances, funding of sponsors, etc. Funding from third parties (stipends, grants, etc.) has to be announced immediately.
According to the Academy's Mobility Policy, when travelling abroad, the train is to be chosen as the means of transport for a regular journey time of up to eight hours or for a distance of up to 1,000 kilometres in one direction. The decision to travel by air must be justified.
Decision making procedure
The awarding and amount of travel allowances is decided by the Department of Art | Research | Support of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The travel allowance is awarded on the basis of the submitted documents and according to the financial possibilities.
The formal fulfillment of all application requirements does not imply any legal entitlement to financial support. In sum, a maximum of 5.000,- € can be awarded per year.
Please note that we will inform you about the decision about 2 weeks after submission.
After the granting
The awarded travel allowance can only be transferred after the full settlement and the submission of all concerning documents of the journey (in €), which has to be made four weeks after the end of the journey the latest.
The following original documents have to be sent to the Center for Doctoral Studies:
- Signed accounting form
- Original bills of the journey (e.g.: tickets, hotel bills, voucher of the conference fees, etc.),
- Confirmation of the participation by the respective event organizers
- Austrian "Meldebescheinigung" (if Austrian residency) or a copy of the passport
For further information please contact Teresa Beer (, +43 1 588 16-1118)