Short term grants abroad
Deadline: Tuesday, Jun 10, 2025, 11:00am
The scholarship for a short-term stay abroad for doctoral/Ph.D. candidates supports stays abroad for e.g. research, field research, archival research, interviews, which are necessary for the dissertation or the Ph.D. project. Stays abroad are funded for a minimum of two to a maximum of eight weeks.
Funding for:
- Short-term stays abroad for research activities, field research, archival research, interviews, input on methodological or theoretical questions, etc., which are related to the dissertation or the Ph.D. project.
- NOT FUNDED will be study program participation abroad (e.g., participation in seminars/courses), which may be funded by e.g. Erasmus+ Mobility. Also, no summer schools or participation in further education/seminars are supported.
- The planned stay abroad must be related to the dissertation or the Ph.D. project.
- Enrolment as regular doctoral or Ph.D. candidate in a doctoral/PhD degree program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna at least in the third semester
- Approved dissertation agreement incl. Exposé (supervision agreement with Dr. techn.)
- The scholarship is limited to one time during the entire duration of the doctoral studies/Ph.D. studies
- The applications must be submitted before the start of the stay abroad. Subsequent, incomplete, and not timely submitted applications cannot be considered.
- Completed application form in the online submission platform (
- Personal information of the applicant
- The following documents need to be uploaded:
- Description of the planned stay abroad with respect to the activities and what the expected result will be (maximum 1000 words)
- Work and research plan of the planned stay abroad (own document)
- Letter of invitation from the foreign institution detailing to what extent the research project can be supported
- Curriculum vitae of the doctoral/Ph.D. candidate, including publication list and/or listing of previous artistic activities
- Approved Dissertation Agreement (supervision agreement signed with Dr. techn.)
- Current certification of enrollment
- Austrian registration certificate (if the residential address in Austria) or a copy of the passport
The application will be sent to the Ph.D. supervisor by e-mail and asked for confirmation of:
- Need of the stay abroad for the dissertation/Ph.D. project,
- Feasibility and adequacy of the project (including work and time schedule) for the dissertation/Ph.D. project during the stay abroad,
- Plausibility of the application for the stay abroad in the context of the entire dissertation/Ph.D. project.
Funding is not possible if you receive a doctoral grant that includes funds for travel expenses/stays abroad (for example, ÖAW DOC, FWF doc.funds, Marietta Blau, Erasmus+, or university or academic employment incl. travel budget).
Amount of the scholarship
The funding can be granted for a period of at least two to a maximum of eight weeks. The funding is at least 600,- € (for two weeks) and for each additional week an amount of 200,- €.
The grant is paid out as a scholarship and serves as a subsidy to partially cover travel and subsistence costs during the stay abroad. Funding from third parties must be announced immediately. Of course, it is possible to extend the research stay at your own expense or to use other financing options for this purpose.
The scholarship holders are not permitted to work at the research site while they are receiving the scholarship. The scholarship holders are obliged to pursue their research activities abroad full-time and to be present at the foreign research location.
There are four deadlines every year. The deadline always ends at 11 am on the given day.
Deadlines 2024: Tuesday 12th March 2024, Tuesday 11th June 2024 (ongoing), Tuesday 10th September 2024, and Tuesday 10th December 2024.
Criteria for the awarding and decision-making process:
The awarding and amount of scholarship is decided by the Department of Art | Research | Support of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of the submitted documents and according to the financial possibilities. Criteria for the award are the plausibility of the necessity of the stay abroad for the dissertation/the Ph.D. project and the concrete planning of the activities abroad.
The formal fulfillment of all application requirements does not imply any legal entitlement to financial support. In sum, a maximum of 6.000,- € can be awarded per year.
Please note that we will inform you about the decision on a grant award about three weeks after the submission deadline. The applications must be submitted before commencing the research stay.
After the granting of the scholarship:
The scholarship will be paid in two rates:
- The first rate after the signed acceptance form is handed in or 3 weeks before the beginning of the stay abroad.
- The second rate, after submitting the signed report on the activity.
- AFTER the end of the activity a report (about 1.000 words) has to be written and sent to the Center for Doctoral Studies. This report must be signed by the scholarship holder and the supervisor.
This work report is the condition for the payment of the 2nd rate of the scholarship.
The report on the stay abroad must contain the following information:
- What was made or achieved during the stay abroad?
- Were there deviations from the planned activities, if so which and why?
- How are the findings/materials used for the dissertation /Ph.D. project used?
- Confirmation of the length of stay
For further information please contact Teresa Beer (, +43 1 588 16-1118)